Jenkins - Quick Intro

Jenkins is one of the most popular Continuous Integration systems. It originates in 2011 but it existed earlier under another name, Hudson which first appeared in 2005.

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dateutil -- datetime on steroids

We all know the datetime module from the Python Standard Library. It provides lots of functions to operate on dates and times in a nice way. Still, it lacks some features here and there. There is a library that fills these gaps. It is dateutil, a library created by Gustavo Niemeyer and now maintained mainly by Paul Ganssle.

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Google Apps Marketplace and Provisioning API

Next problem to solve with Google Marketplace is enabling Provisioning API of Google Apps. During deploying of a web app to Google Apps it would be nice to fetch users list and prepare accounts for them.

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Google Marketplace, Google AppEngine and Python

Lately I was struggling with integrating my web app with Google Marketplace. I'd like to describe how to do it using Google AppEngine with Python.

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Checking CouchDB

I'm working on presentation for winter get-together of TriCity Linux User Group. This will be about schema-less database CouchDB. I don't to do simple introductory presentation as such there are plenty on internet. I'd like to check if particular problem can be solved using CouchDB.

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My BuildMaster Rules

Creating software integration process at the beginning seams quite easy. Problems start appearing when it gets more complex while it is not so bullet proof. To build reliable create build process I stick to a few rules.

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Effective test results reporting

Generally it is quite simple. Run tests. Count the number of all tests and failed tests and thats it. In most books about Continuous Integration and testing it is written that when some test fails the build is broken. Then just fix it to have still 100% passes and go on. In real projects it is not so simple.

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Erlang Testing

I was looking for some testing framework for Erlang. I found several links but it looked a little bit outdated. I found a blog post that gather information about several different testing frameworks: However there is nothing about latest Test Server and its front end Common Test.

Here I will present how to use it

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